Third Meeting of the Steering Committee
June 24, 2000

White Plains, New York


The IIME Steering Committee chaired by Dr. M. Roy Schwarz reviewed the outcomes of the Advisory Committee meeting which took place on June 22-23rd and expressed appreciation to its members for their involvement, splendid interaction and exceptionally high spirit of cooperation. The presentations made by the members of the Advisory Committee concerning the goals and future plans of their respective organizations were comprehensive and very informative. However, more discussion is needed to determine how, and in what form, the collaboration could be further developed and maintained between those organizations and the IIME. Discussion is also necessary on how to create alliances for the promotion of essential requirements and standards as a tool for a global improvement of medical education to secure quality medical practice.

With respect to the IIME document detailing global minimum essential requirements, the Steering Committee compiled a list of issues to be presented to the Core Committee for consideration  during their November meeting. The document should include not only the purpose of developing the " essentials" , but should give a strategic vision of how they will be implemented. It was suggested that the agreed seven categories of essential requirements might be presented as a "taxonomy matrix".  The importance of visual presentation of the document, and clear indication of how the document should be used, as well as who will use it was also stressed. Furthermore, the possibility of different versions of the document that address the different stakeholders (faculty, school administration students, public) was discussed.

The Steering Committee outside the offices of the IIME

  Institute for International Medical Education.
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