Meeting of the IIME Steering Committee
May 2, 2003

New York City


The IIME Steering Committee met in New York on May 2 to discuss the future of the IIME Project. The Committee reviewed reports on the Chinese Workshops and the Core Committee. The Steering Committee underlined that from an international perspective, this pilot examination will provide - for the first time - an answer on whether such large-scale assessments across schools are feasible, and whether these standards can be applied across nationalities. They were of the opinion that the results of this assessment will help ensure not only the quality of medical schools worldwide, but also improve the quality of health care. Responding to possible requests from other countries to repeat Phase II in their schools, the Steering Committee urged that IIME respond positively.

The Steering Committee reviewed reports of the recent Core Committee meeting, the reports of IIME Workshops organized in China from beginning of the implementation phase, and the timeline for the preparatory activities before October 2003 examination. They were informed that the students' observation will start by the beginning of July, the OSCE stations should be ready by August, SP training should start in July/August, and the administrative arrangements for MCQ tests should be completed in September, 2003. This timeline might be modified in view of SARS epidemics.

The Steering Committee underlined that from an international perspective, this pilot examination will provide - for the first time - an answer on whether such large-scale assessments across schools are feasible, and whether these standards can be applied across nationalities. They were of the opinion that the results of this assessment will help ensure not only the quality of medical schools worldwide, but also improve the quality of health care. The Steering Committee responded positively to requests from the other countries to repeat Phase II in their schools, and urged the IIME to respond, after completing the exam in China, to such proposals positively.

The Steering Committee also strongly endorsed an effort to establish the "international standard-setting" project as proposed by the Core Committee. They see this as very essential to gaining project credibility and acceptance its results at a global level.

  Institute for International Medical Education.
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