Third Meeting of the Core Committee
May 1-3, 2001

White Plains, NY


The third meeting of the IIME Core Committee was convened on May 1-3, 2001 in White Plains, N.Y and was chaired by Dr. Marvin Dunn. The members of Steering Committee were also in attendance at the meeting.

The main task of the Committee was finalization of the "Global Minimum Essentials Requirements" (GMER) and agreement of the content and formulation of the document. During two days of discussion the Committee critically reviewed and revised all seven domains of the Global Minimum Essential Requirements, and made corrections in the preamble. It was agreed that the GMER document with all corrections will be sent to the Committee Members for final perusal and approval of it content as the document is a propriety of the Committee and not the IIME or the CMB.

The Committee also discussed the issues related to evaluation of the GMER competencies, and advised to establish the Task Force for Assessment consisting of the experts in assessment methodology. It was stressed that there are many challenges facing the Task Force since there are no known assessment protocols available for a substantial number of competencies in the GMER. The Task Force would review the GMER document and decide whether the statements of competencies are clear, specific and measurable; and if not, what options or modifications it proposes. It should select the instrument(s) which are available to measure them and their limitations including reliability and validity. The cost/benefits for each instrument should be established and in case that an instrument is not available, what other evidence may indicate the presence of the competency. It was agreed that the Task Force should concentrate on assessment of individual learner performance, not on assessment of an overall program. The Task Force should complete their work not later that March 2002.

The Committee was informed by Dr. Schwarz about the outcomes of the recent trip he and Dr. Wojtczak made to China where they met with the Minister of Education, Minister of Health and leaders of the several medical schools interested in implementing the GMER. These schools are:
  • Peking Union Medical College, Beijing
  • Peking University Medical Health Sciences, Beijing
  • Fudan University Medical Center, Shanghai
  • Central South University, Xiangya School of Medicine, Changsha
  • Sichuan University Medical Sciences Center, Chengdu
  • Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou
  • China Medical University, Shenyang
  • Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Xi'an
Finally, Dr. Wojtczak presented the outline of the complex medical education system in China and informed the Committee about the progress in the development of the IIME worldwide database of medical schools, and preparation of the Glossary of Medical Education Terms.

  Institute for International Medical Education.
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